A recent article has shed light on the fact university students may enter higher education with the expectation they will have the ‘time of their lives’, a mental health expert has warned.

Dr. Dominique Thompson, a GP and young people’s mental health expert, said the “pressure to be seen making the most of your university experience, especially for freshers, can lead students to making harmful or negative comparisons between their lives and the lives of other students they see online.”

She says the mismatch between unrealistic expectations and the reality of beginning university, a tough time for many students finding their feet, may lead to amplified issues with mental health.

With students coming out of 16 months of lockdowns, making the most out of university may seem like the most important thing in the world to many of the incoming cohort. It is important, however, for students not to pressurise themselves to meet the glamourized image of student life as soon as they arrive.

To read the full article, visit the Evening Standard website.