The Global Student Living Index

The world's leading student
insight platform for...

Universities and HE

PBSA Operators and

Suppliers and

Youth Brands and

Example reporting from the Index

Join the hundreds of universities, brands, agencies and investors around the world who have come to trust and rely on insights from the Global Student Living Index to inform strategy and empower teams.

Subscribing to the Index will provide you and your team with real-time access to the latest data on student experiences and emerging trends, allowing you to easily:

Understand and track customer experience

Measure the impact of mental health and wellbeing initiatives

Drive standards and operational improvements

Identify competitive strengths and weaknesses

Monitor local, regional and global trends

Design and plan your marketing strategy

Get in touch today to learn about subscription options

GSL Index Mobile Survey

24 hrs / 365 days

Throughout the year, GSL surveys hundreds of thousands of students across 15 countries and in 10 different languages, on all aspects of their lifestyle and everyday living experience.

The Index brings together a range of standardised local, regional and global KPIs, alongside bespoke insights from custom questions developed to meet your specific needs.

A number of standard subscription packages are available for

Universities and HE Providers 🡥

PBSA Operators and Investors 🡥

We also have a range of more bespoke services tailored especially for

Suppliers and Partners 🡥

Youth Brands and Agencies 🡥

Whatever your industry or sector, if students are an important part of your strategy, we have a solution for you.