Gaming technologies: the new way to help students learn quickly
“To make science accessible, we need to do more than simply tell students what it is we discovered. We need to help them discover...
Australian student shares surprising insight into North Korean daily life
Given North Korea's reputation for horrific human rights abuses, and the highly-publicised death of American student Otto Warmbier - who fell into a coma...
Egyptian students receive ‘love lessons’ from their government
Egypt's government has introduced marriage lessons for university students, as part of an initiative to cut spiralling divorce rates. The scheme is called 'Mawadda',...
Law students panic as Turkmenistan clamps down on accepted degrees
Law is typically considered to be one of the most prestigious and rigorous academic disciplines – but in Turkmenistan, it will no longer be...
The Vietnamese startup with big ideas for student wellbeing
Moving abroad to study in a different cultural setting can be a daunting experience and one that can lead to feelings of social isolation...
Bristol students’ strike convinces uni to prioritise affordable accommodation
A student accommodation protest has persuaded the University of Bristol to reduce the price of their student halls. Over 150 Bristol students withheld their...
Australian students benefit from digitised university libraries
Australian higher education has been a promoter for decades of the way in which the digitised library improves accessibility, openness and discovery for students.
Mexican students’ opportunity to enrol in US uni – in Mexico
Andrew Oxford of The
Santa Fe New Mexican reports that the state’s legislature last month
approved the construction of a New Mexico State University (NMSU) campus...
International students incentivised to study in rural Australia
Already the world leader in hosting international students, Australia has burnished its credentials by announcing incentives to increase the number of international students studying...
How universities can support student mental health and wellbeing
From the Global Student Living Conference 2018. Head here to register your interest for future GSL conferences, and learn more about the GSL Conference...