The latest data from the Global Student Living Index (GSL Index) shows that the picture in the student accommodation sector is largely a positive one, with improvements across a range of metrics including overall satisfaction, care and support, wellbeing and community.

However, scores for the booking experience this wave are significantly lower than last Autumn, with scores dropping across both private and university halls but most significantly for university halls with positive scores moving from 81% to 76%.

Satisfaction with the booking experience has dropped across all booking methods, but most notably among those who have booked ‘direct with a landlord’ or via an ‘educational consultant/agent’.

A decline in performance ratings of ‘ease of finding the accommodation’ and ‘online inductions’ will almost certainly have had an impact on overall booking perceptions and is likely to have a knock-on effect for students when moving into their accommodation. Ratings for the moving-in experience are still strong but have also seen a small drop, with scores dropping 1% point across both university and private halls.

The moving-in experience continues to play a critical role in student retention and satisfaction of both home and international students.

Table 1: Booking and Moving In Experience – University vs Private Halls Performance (% who rate good or very good)

 Uni Halls Q4 2023Uni Halls Q4 2024% ChangePrivate Halls Q4 2023Private Halls Q4 2024% Change
Booking experience81%76%-5%82%79%-3%
Moving in experience82%81%-1%81%80%-1%
Online inductions73%69%-4%85%82%-3%
Ease of finding accommodation83%81%-2%76%73%-3%
Arrival instructions79%76%-3%79%78%-1%

Data from the Autumn or ‘entry’ wave of the GSL Index survey is used to calculate the Best Booking Experience and Best Moving In Experience categories in the Global Student Living Awards for the UK & Ireland and Europe. Feedback gathered in the upcoming Spring/’exit’ wave will determine the Finalists and Winners of all other award categories. Winners of all awards will be announced at an awards ceremony on 16th October in London.

Finalists for the Best Booking Experience and Best Moving In Experience categories for 2025 have now been announced.

To get involved in the GSL Index, go to the GSL website: to register.