Please enjoy this webinar in the GSL Webinar Series, sponsored by GSA.
GSA’s Bobbi Hartshorne and Red Brick Research’s Olivia McCafferty explore the role of faith in students’ wellbeing and university experience, through the findings of one of the first pieces of research done on this topic. Religious and spiritual students have different outcomes in their university and accommodation experiences to secular students, as well as facing unique challenges.
They are joined by university chaplains Reverend Kate Harford from Oxford Brookes University and Reverend Julie Nicholson from the University of the West of England joining us alongside second-year student Lafan Hasan, who shares her personal experience of being a Muslim at Cardiff University.
Religious and spiritual students make up over a third of today’s student cohort. This is a must-watch for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve with student wellbeing.
The Global Student Living Webinar Series is brought to you by GSA & The Student Housing Company. In these unprecedented times, we want to thank GSA for its commitment to ensuring continued collaboration and learning across the field of student living and lifestyle for the benefit of students.
Learn more about the GSL Webinar Series at the website here.